Hey there and welcome to my brand new website!
This has been in the works for a few months now and I am stoked that it’s finally out in the world. I wanted to write a fresh new blog post sharing why I’m starting a new brand to give you a better understanding of what I hope to create with Dianuh Aerin.

So what is Dianuh Aerin?
First and foremost, Dianuh Aerin will house my artworks in one nice digital portfolio. I hope that it will clearly communicate who I am as an artist, my style and the kinds of work I like to produce. I have ALWAYS wanted to see my designs on products - baby blankets, water bottles, phone cases, tote bags, you name it! It has been a dream of mine to license my work for a long time and I’m ready to step into that :)
Secondly, this will be a space for budding artists and creatives! I hope to create resources for those who want to tap into their artistic side whether it is just for fun or for business. I have a few online courses covering drawing and painting techniques, as well as a Youtube channel where I share business tips. It’s my way of giving back to the future generation of artists!
Why start a new brand?
I started Chasing Linen back in 2013 as a blog, which then became a shop. It eventually allowed me to become a full time artist AND grow a team of artists - both which I never thought was possible. As the business grew, I realized that the best way I could support my team was to trade my paint brushes and put on a CEO hat. Don’t get me wrong, I love focusing on big picture things and I’ve really enjoyed taking on that role.
However, I was itching to start new creative projects and luckily, I had the opportunity to work with amazing brands like Be Kind by Ellen and Sincerely Capri. Collaborating with brands and creating designs for their products made me realize how much I love seeing my designs on real life items and it also gave me a natural transition to start a new brand. These opportunities gave me the final push to pursue licensing and start Dianuh Aerin.
By the way, I am still very involved with Chasing Linen and it isn’t going anywhere! We will continue to serve our clients and provide live art services and paint watercolor portraits there!
What’s next?
It’s funny because I’ve been putting so much work into this website and now that it’s launched, I’m like… What’s next?! Well, I definitely have a list of brands I am dying to work with and some product ideas I’d love to see my designs on. I’m looking forward to coming up with concepts and creating collections that reflect my new brand and slowly build up my portfolio. It’s definitely wild starting something new, but I’m excited to see what comes of it!
If you’d like to follow along, I’d love to invite you to join our newsletter fam HERE. This is where I’ll share my updates first and share BTS of what’s going on!
Or if you want to keep it cas, let’s be friends on Instagram @dianuhaerin ;)
Thanks for being here!